Lacey L. Gray Archives

2024-2025 College Research Awards
The Harriot College Research Award program provides support for departments to reassign faculty for a semester in recognition of their need to have sustained and dedicated periods to devote to...

Destigmatizing Mental Health: Sean Astin Shared Messages of Inspiration
Writing Accountability Groups
Writing Accountability Groups (WAGs) are small groups of 4-9 individuals who meet once a week to write, set goals, and achieve them, by establishing productive writing habits, sharing with others,...
Putnam-Evans Retires After 30 Years at ECU, Harriot College
After 30 years of service, Dr. Cindy Putnam-Evans, professor of biology and associate dean for research in the Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Office, is retiring from...

Encouraging Engagement: ECU’s Learning Assistant Program Helps Students Feel Less Intimidation in STEM Classes

Gambling Research: Malkin Awarded Funds to Establish, Direct New Initiative

Sociology Professor Contributes Leadership, Expertise to National Science Foundation

Alumna Engages with N.C. Community to Create More Affordable Housing